Lutheran Laymen's League (LLL)
Typically meets the first Saturday of the month at McDonald's, 9:00 a.m. (subject to change). Contact Tyler Garrison for more information.
St. Paul Lutheran Laymen's League, with your assistance, continues to supply food items to Heaven's Table Food Shelf. Nonperishable items may be placed in the boxes located in the foyers. Monetary contributions are also welcome (checks payable to Heaven's Table Food Shelf). For more information, please contact Marty Krause, 238-1185. Thank you again for your support!

A stark reality exists in the world today: Billions of people live without the hope of Christ. Nearly 2/3 of the seven billion people on this planet are not followers of Christ. Thirty-six percent (36%) of protestants in the United States don’t feel a personal responsibility to share their faith. Younger generations have grown skeptical of the church’s relevance. Islam is the world’s fastest growing religion.
Today, Lutheran Hour Ministries’ members and partners come together to meet the greatest challenge of the 21st century, which is to proclaim messages of hope in the name of Jesus Christ.
Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM) is a trusted expert in mass media proclamation with a global network of partners. Each week we reach more than 51 million people around the world with the Gospel. Our flagship ministry The Lutheran Hour, is the world’s longest Christian outreach radio program. It airs weekly on more than 1,600 stations throughout North America and is also available online and though a mobile app.
LHM works in areas where other organizations are not present and uses local missionaries who know the language and the culture. In fact, LHM is widely considered the largest and most diverse international mission ministry within the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
Forty-two percent (42%) of the global population, or nearly three billion people, live in parts of the world where they have little or no opportunity to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, LHM shares the Gospel in culturally-relevant ways through 34 ministry centers that reach into more than 50 nations on six continents. Nearly 400,000 people responded internationally last year to LHM ministries, including Bible correspondence courses, radio broadcasts, performing arts ministry, evangelism training, and holistic outreach efforts.
As a laity-driven ministry called to proclaim the risen Savior around the world, LHM has a unique understanding of how to equip and minister to individuals — en masse through modern technology and on a personal level through local partnerships and training. While proclaiming Christ via mass media is vital, it is equally important to equip laypeople to reach beyond their own walls into the surrounding community. All Christians are called to make a difference in the lives of hurting people who need the message of hope — and LHM offers several programs and resources to help laypeople share the joy of Christ: Men’s Network, Project Connect, God Connects, Mission U, Daily Devotions, and Seasonal Devotions.
Is God calling you to be a part of this global Gospel movement? Lutheran Hour Ministries can only move forward with your help. You can partner with LHM today! Remember LHM in your prayers; tell others about LHM work; or make a gift to share the Good News worldwide. Every gift you give today will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to $50,000 through a special grant opportunity provided by generous supporters of this ministry. LHM is not included in the budget of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod or Lutheran Church—Canada and relies on generous gifts from people like you. When you support Lutheran Hour Ministries, you assist in bringing Christ to the nations, and the nations to the Church.