What We Believe...
At St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church & School, we believe, teach, and confess that God, our Heavenly Father, is the Creator of all things, and Jesus Christ, true God from all eternity and true Man born of Mary, went to the cross of Calvary as the Substitute for all sinful mankind, and that in His death, He paid the price under the curse of sin for our redemption.
We also believe that the fruit of redemption is brought to us personally through faith in Jesus Christ, whereby we receive the forgiveness of sins and the blessed hope of everlasting life. We believe that the Holy Spirit works through the Gospel to work this faith within us, and that in our conversion to saving faith, we are also renewed by the same Gospel, that we might share the love of God for us in Christ through the spreading of the Gospel, and by faithfully carrying out our various callings in life. Thus we invite any and all to come, hear, and believe the life-saving, life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ, and in Him crucified, for the forgiveness of sins, for a new spiritual life, and for eternal salvation. |